impossible translations #4
passive resistance
passive resistance
How to unbalance the pressures that correspond to each other on either side of the membrane?
Portraits. Arnold Schönberg
Impossible music #1
(neo)liberal systems #4 “entertainment”
in praise of the absent
through the wall
Alberto Bernal by Jaime Reis
impossible music #5
NO studies #1

Impossible translations #3b


numbers #1 "post-truth"
300kg of music
ritratto senza voce (Billie Holiday)
numbers #2 "variations on a theme by Brahms"
A Tempo


Fuera de tono. book presentation
13/2/2025 Librería Santos Ochoa (Salamanca)

Hacia una deconstrucción del medio: escena y antidisciplinariedad en la música de nueva creación talk
3/2/2025 Jornadas de Música Actual (RCSMM-Madrid)

impossible translations #5. flute + video
[neo]liberal systems #4 “entertainment”. tactile device + video
“composición con nuevos medios: utopía y distopía” talk
29-30/01/2025 Festival [con]tempo. CIE Salamanca

dispersión/concentración. 15 saxos + 15 percussions in the open space
impossible translations #3b. percussion + video
10/12/2024 Festival [con]TEMPO (Salamanca)

Portraits – Arnold Schönberg. piano + video
25/11/2024 Le Ring. Scène Périphérique (Toulouse)
Haize Lizarazu, piano

composing with video. lecture
19/11/24. IRCAM (Paris)