a) 193 national anthems occupying a space
b) 193 national anthems ranged according to transnational criteria
Format: Installation
diptych A: multichannel audio over 12 loudspeakers
diptych B: interactive audio with headphones and computer screen
Creation: april-may 2011
First exhibition: may 2011. Mostra Sonora de Sueca (Spain)
Both installations constitute a diptych of two sonifications built completely from the same material: the superposition of the 193 national anthems of every officially recognized country at today’s date. But, at the same time, they establish a contrasting relationship regarding to their inside ordering.
In 193 national anthems occupying a space, the anthems are spacialized with the same intensity, so that everyone occupy an individual point in the space defined by the loudspeakers.
In 193 national anthems ranged according to transnational criteria the spectator can interact with the installation, creating different versions in which the intensity of every anthem is ranged (modulated) according to different socioeconomic data.
(binaural michophones recording)