Formation: tape. 2 channels
Creation: 2007-
Duration: 9 to 17 minutes. They can be played as a whole or separately
The series G8 consists of relectures of the national anthems of the G8 countries. Each piece takes as only departure point and material the corresponding national anthem. The anthem is “read” in slow motion from the beginning to the end through a moving window that repeats small fragments of the original material following the time movement, a kind of “walking loop”. This fragments are overlapped over themselves in a texture of several layers that swings between the recognizebility of the original material and the new discourse that emerges from its own saturation. It would be like observing microscopically an object while we run our sight through all its surface.
With clear influences from the realm of visual arts -the “accumulations” of Arman or the iconography of Jasper Johns- this saturation through magnification -of the object, of its temporality- tries to penetrate in its immediate functionality and the principles it represents. The “heroical” and patriotic energy of the military is here imposed over itself, overlapped, saturated… aesthetically neutralized.