‘s (after Samuel Becket)

Formation: half-scenic piece for one wind instrument and live electronics
Creation: october – november 2003
Premiere: 9th november 2003, Musikhochschule Freiburg; MARGRET GÖRNER, recorder

Duration: 17 min.

→ Complete score


. . one composition interpolated within an always new time discurse that defines itself . .  one invisible diagonal . . one instrument tone. . one pause . . one breathing body . . nine semantic fields: time, space, speaking, silence, corporeality, deviation, listening, voice, doubt . . one auditor . .  one voice . .   one light . .  

Formation: half-scenic piece for one wind instrument and live electronics
Creation: october – november 2003
Premiere: 9th november 2003, Musikhochschule Freiburg; MARGRET GÖRNER, recorder

Duration: 17 min.

→ Complete score


. . one composition interpolated within an always new time discurse that defines itself . .  one invisible diagonal . . one instrument tone. . one pause . . one breathing body . . nine semantic fields: time, space, speaking, silence, corporeality, deviation, listening, voice, doubt . . one auditor . .  one voice . .   one light . .